Video Tutorial
1. Always quote the search word or phrase
“Wright Line”
and “confidentiality”
should be in quotes.
2. The search is not case sensitive
“Wright Line”
and “wright line”
return the same thing.
3. Normal searches look at all of the columns
“Wright Line”
will search for that phrase in all searchable columns. See (4) below.
4. There are 9 searchable columns
- Type - Document type. See (5) below.
- Date - Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. Not all documents have dates.
- Name - Name of the document.
- Citation - Formal citation for the document.
- CaseNumber - Case number for the case the document appears in.
- ALJ - Name of the administrative law judge for ALJ Decisions.
- Circuit - The Circuit Court related to the document (1st, 2nd, etc.).
- Text - Text of the document.
- BoardText - Text of the Board's decision in Published Board Decisions. Excludes text of any attached ALJ decision.
5. There are 14 document types
- Published Board Decision
- Unpublished Board Decision
- ALJ Decision
- Regional Election Decision
- Board Appellate Brief
- Injunction Appellate Brief
- GC Memo
- OM Memo
- Advice Memo
- Manual
- Statute
- Circuit Court
- Supreme Court
6. Search a specific column
Search a specific column with ColumnName : "search phrase"
Type : "Published Board Decision"
Date : "2022"
7. Combine parameters with AND
"preemption" AND "Garmon"
8. Exclude parameters with NOT
"preemption" NOT "Garmon"
9. Search multiple parameters with OR
"preemption" OR "Garmon"
10. Search multiple parameters that are near one another with NEAR
NEAR("preemption" "garmon",5)
11. Use parentheses for logic
"preemption" AND (Type : "Supreme Court" OR Type : "Published Board Decision")